We believe these trust funds are sacred and need to be watched very carefully so that trust funds are not lost or diminished through poor or neglectful investing.
We believe that investing for minors per capita trusts should be different than investing for any other individual, corporation, or group. Investment plans or funds designed for other purposes are not ideal because these trusts are very unique.
As an independent trust company, we do not have any conflicts of interest, and have maximum flexibility. As an independent trust company, we do not have any of our own investment products or proprietary funds to sell or gain commissions. We do not believe in forcing any client to fit into a pre-established model system that assigns you to Model or Fund A, B, or C. Further, we do not believe a simple “balanced” or “retirement” plan or fund is what is best for minors per capita trusts. We will work closely with your tribal leaders and investment committee to establish the best asset allocation for your minors per capita trust.
For investment purposes, these trust funds are generally pooled together, but we can create different investment objectives for different age groups based upon different time horizons. Through our investment experience of minors per capita trusts, we will establish investment policies and plans that will seek some long-term growth for your children, but have as the highest priority the preservation of trust funds. Further, we will constantly evaluate the market conditions and the individual investments within the trust so that adjustments can be made in a timely manner. Sadly, we have had too many tribes recently discuss significant losses between 2007 and 2009 that were not minimized because their investment managers could not make adjustments quickly or because their investment plans were too rigid requiring them to remain invested in the market.