Contact Info:
Providence First Trust Co.
8840 East Chaparral Road
Suite 250
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
Phone: 602.952.2300
Toll-Free: 1.800.350.0208
Fax: 602.952.0018


Community Interaction & Education:

In order to help these trusts reach their potential, we interact closely with tribal members and seek to provide financial education. We have a dedicated staff that exclusively interacts with Native American parents and children. We work closely with tribal leaders regarding overall trust policies and procedures and report to them regarding overall trust performance and activity.

Different than many other corporate trustees, we also establish personal relationships with each family in making trust distributions. We are committed to interacting with parents and guardians through phone, mail, email and in-person meetings.  We will help parents understand their children’s trusts and how they can best help their children. We will also help parents understand the scope and eligibility requirements, other resources that are available, tax issues, and arrange the best payment methods for the families.  Trust distributions made to parents for their children can allow the family structure to grow and create a unique feeling for parents to responsibly spend their children’s trust funds.

We offer financial education through different venues. We often send printed educational material directly or with statements to parents and children.  We often attend community events and offer live educational classes to both parents and children. We also interact and partner with tribal agencies or departments that are also trying to offer financial education. We also offer some online classes designed to teach financial education to teenagers and young adults. Through our experience, we have come to understand and know our audience to properly prepare materials that are understood and helpful. We are committed to the goal of your children receiving financial education so they will become wise stewards of their trust funds.